For everyone's safety, our company and service procedures are Covid-19 Compliant.
For everyone's safety, our company and service procedures are Covid-19 Compliant.
Skunk Spray and Odour
Skunks are best known for their ability to spray a nauseating musk and are capable of several discharges. Skunk smells may be more noticeable in late January and February in Ottawa. If a female skunk does not wish to mate it will spray the interested male skunk.
Skunk Sounds
Skunk noises range from screeches to whimpers to chirps.
Personality and Behaviours
Skunks are not normally an aggressive animal. Certainly, avoid cornering them. When confronted, skunks will raise their tail, stomp their front feet and look like they will charge at you. Skunks are great diggers. They are known to dig around foundations. Rainwater seeps in and undermines the cement. Skunks are well known for digging circular holes in lawns or lifting up large chunks of sod as they look for grubs.
The following are some of the most common skunk complaints:
A mammal that is well-known for its bad odour should not be residing in your place of work or living at your home. If this is something you are experiencing right now, you will want to solve this problem as soon as possible. At Heritage Wildlife Management we use efficient, humane, and effective skunk removal methods to eliminate skunks from your property.
If you notice an unusually aggressive skunk on or near your property, call Heritage Wildlife Management or the local Health Unit for possible rabies. Many cases of skunk rabies have been confirmed in Southern Ontario.
If you currently have a skunk in your workplace, home or another area, there are certain things that need to be considered. They are well known for breeding on your property, their bad odour, leaving a mess and damaging your property.
We provide efficient, professional and humane skunk prevention and removal methods.
Adult Skunk Prevention and Removal Procedures
If there is a skunk on your property, allow the professionals to handle the problem. Do not put yourself at risk of getting sprayed. We can come to your house, inspect your property (extensions, porches, shed, deck) and offer a thorough outline of what your specific problem is, locate the main entry point, what your options are, and provide you with an estimate.
Leave this to us… All skunk prevention and removal services are conducted humanely.
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